If you want to outsource your production kitting needs, you may wonder how much kitting services cost. Several factors go into the cost of kitting services, including the complexity of the kitting project, the number of components to be assembled and packaged, and any special packaging and labeling requirements.

What Do Kitting Services Cost?

Kitting services are when a company assembles, packages, and labels multiple product SKUs into one larger kit or bundle. Kitting services can involve a variety of products from a wide range of industries, including medical supplies, retail, food and beverage, and more.

what do kitting services cost?

Kitting services cost can vary depending on how the production service companies structure their pricing. Some may have a flat rate per item, while others charge an hourly rate or the number of components in the finished kit. In some cases, companies may offer discounts based on volume and order frequency.

At MDI, we charge by the timings for the kitting process. This means that depending on how long it takes our team to assemble, package, and label the components, the cost may fluctuate.

Will My Company Know the Kitting Services Cost?

At MDI, we take pride in being transparent with our customers on our kitting services cost. We have a variety of projects where we go through what is called a kaizen costing process — an approach that determines the cost of a project at each step. This way, both parties clearly understand how much time and resources are being used to complete the kitting project.

By utilizing kaizen costing and our transparent pricing structure, MDI can ensure your company is not overpaying for its kitting services. In addition, our customers know that because we show that we aren’t doing things twice and have no duplications, so the kitting process is as efficient as possible.

With this structure, we rarely lose a project due to the price. With our decades of experience, we are extremely efficient, and that’s why we have customers who stay with us for years.

What Type of Industries Should Use Kitting Services?

Almost any company that has a high demand for their product but is short on warehouse space and work can benefit from kitting services. Kitting can be used in a variety of industries, including medical supplies, retail, food and beverage, automotive equipment, electronics, furniture, and more.

Running a business can be costly, especially if you need to ship multiple SKUs but don’t have the space or personnel to assemble, package, and label them. Kitting services can save your company time and money so that you can get your product out into the world faster.

From product kits to individual point-of-sale displays, kitting is an excellent way to maximize your company’s ROI. Our team will perform a quality assurance test, combine numerous SKUs into a single package, and ship them out quickly.

How Does Outsourcing Kitting Services Save My Company Money?

Outsourcing production services such as kitting can save your company money in several ways. By reducing the internal labor required to assemble, package, and label multiple SKUs, you can free up personnel to spend time on other tasks.

In addition, you don’t have to worry about investing in new equipment or having to pay extra for shipping multiple SKUs. In addition, if you are short on facility space, outsourcing can save you from needing to invest in warehouse space or additional personnel to manage the project.

Not to mention, if you do decide to hire more employees, that can add up in the long run. Plus, you have to consider the time it takes to train each individual, which can take time to get them up to speed.

Contact Us for Kitting Services

contact mdi for kitting services

Kitting services are an excellent way to save your business time and money. At MDI, our team is experienced in kitting a variety of products from a wide range of industries. We offer transparent pricing and utilize kaizen costing to ensure that our customers understand the cost of each project. Contact MDI today for a quote on kitting services cost.