Outsourcing your kitting and assembly operations can be beneficial in numerous ways, but can it help reduce manufacturing lead times? This is a vital question, as lead times can directly affect customer satisfaction and your business’s bottom line. If your lead times are too long, customers may become frustrated and look elsewhere for their product needs. Keep reading to learn how outsourcing kitting and assembly can help you reduce lead times.

How Outsourced Kitting and Assembly Can Reduce Manufacturing Lead Time

kitting and assembly needs for manufacturing lead time

Kitting and assembly is a specialized process that involves gathering the necessary components for a product, assembling them to the customer’s specifications, and then shipping them in one package. By outsourcing your kitting and assembly operations, you can reduce lead time by eliminating the need to build components in-house. 

These components include using your own facility in order to create a kitting production line. Not every company has the extra facility space in order to do this, and it can be a costly endeavor. It can be costly because you will need to either rent or build the facility. 

Not to mention, you need to use your current personnel or hire and train new staff to manage the assembly line. Production outsourcing can help you reduce these costs, as well as free up internal resources that can be used elsewhere in your operations. 

Why Is Reducing Lead Time Important?

The internet has made consumer expectations change drastically in terms of product availability. Customers now expect products to be available immediately, and with shorter lead times come greater customer satisfaction. If your lead time keeps customers waiting, they will move on to your competitors, who can provide them with the product they need in a timely fashion. 

This is why outsourcing kitting and assembly can be beneficial for reducing your lead times. By outsourcing, you can reduce both manufacturing and shipping costs, as well as get products to customers faster. This will reduce the risk of canceled orders and lost sales due to lead times. 

How Do You Choose a Kitting Company?

If your company has decided it’s time to search for a kitting company to help reduce lead time, and maximize ROI, then there are several factors to consider. First and foremost, you want to look for a company with years of kitting and assembly experience within your industry. This is important because they will understand the needs of your particular industry and be able quickly to start the kitting process.

For example, at MDI, we have decades of experience in kitting and assembly across a variety of industries. We understand the importance of quality assurance, and our team of experts will work closely with your team to ensure that the best possible results are achieved.

Another factor to consider is cost. Outsourcing your kitting and assembly operations should save you money in the long run by reducing manufacturing costs as well as shipping costs. Look for a company whose pricing is transparent and allows you to see every step of the process. 

Does Kitting Services Include Labeling?

Labeling is a vital part of the kitting process as it is crucial to brand communication. However, a labeling error can be bad news for a company because it can pose risks to patients, cause product recalls, and even damage your company’s reputation. This is why having an experienced kitting company handle your labeling is important. 

At MDI, we have extensive hand assembly experience, ensuring your kits are labeled correctly to avoid any issues. Here is why you should consider labeling services by MDI: 

  • Reduces human errors and lowers production costs
  • Top-quality private labeling from experienced and skilled hand assemblers
  • Top-rated consistency every time
  • Access to SKU and lot tracking
  • Resources for changes in demand

Contact MDI for Your Kitting and Assembly Needs

reduce manufacturing lead time

At MDI, we have decades of experience in kitting and assembly services that reduce costs and lead time while increasing customer satisfaction. Our goal is to maximize your company’s ROI and retain a long-term relationship. Contact MDI today to learn how we can reduce your manufacturing lead time.