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Ongoing COVID-19 Business Updates


We are doing our best to balance all the variables going on around the pandemic with the safety of our employees.  We have MDI employees’ health and safety as a priority. Prevention measures, while not always pleasant, are for all of our protection. 

Effective Friday 7/24/2020 Emergency Executive Order 20-81 requires Minnesotans to use face covers in nearly every instance when they are within the interior of a business building.  MDI will abide by Executive Order 20-81 and has updated our COVID 19 Preparedness Plan accordingly.  There are exceptions to this requirement which we have listed in the plan.  The plan will be posted with highlights to show the most recent changes.  While the plan is intended to focus on how MDI will comply, all areas of the executive order must be met, and the requirements of the executive order will supersede our plan if there are omissions or discrepancies.  Read more.


As the country reopens, MDI is also taking steps to adjust our COVID 19 Preparedness Plan based on new information and understanding of the risks of the virus.  While these changes are moving towards a more lenient approach, we are not ‘out of the woods’ yet.  There are places in the US where cases and deaths are on the rise due to ‘hot spots’.  These areas are typically linked to large social gatherings or facilities where workers have not or cannot maintain social distancing guidelines.

While MDI has taken a serious approach to limit the risks and spread of the virus, it ultimately is coming down to each employee taking personal responsibility to follow the guidelines set out by the CDC, MN Health Dept., and MDI.  Each of us must take this responsibility seriously in order to minimize the risk to all of us.  Read more.


We are doing our best to balance all the variables going on around the pandemic with the safety of our employees.  We have MDI employees’ health and safety as a priority. Prevention measures, while not always pleasant, are for all of our protection.

MDI has adjusted and/or reduced hours for many employees to accommodate lower order volumes. Customers can still reach MDI during  normal business for all orders and inquiries.


Minnesota Governor Walz has let the ‘stay at home’ order expire and issued new orders 20-55 and 20-56, ‘safer at home’.  These new orders will not have a significant impact on MDI operations because MDI has been proactive in our response to the COVID 19 risks.

MDI is currently operating three of four facilities due to a decrease in the volume of plastic orders from both commercial customers and our government contract.


We are doing our best to balance all the variables going on around the pandemic with the safety of our employees.  We have MDI employees’ health and safety as a priority. Prevention measures, while not always pleasant, are for all of our protection.  

The Grand Rapids facility will be down the week of May 11 due to lack of orders, other than a few people that will be die cutting a large order for pads. Read more about our safety measures and business.


We want to continue our weekly update on the COVID 19 pandemic highlighting actions we are taking at MDI to minimize the impact to our employees and our communities.

Last week we had an office employee in the Minneapolis facility that has been exposed to a family member with a confirmed case of COVID-19.  The employee will be isolating and working from home per the ‘return to work’ criteria.

We are modifying our pandemic plan with several changes.  A revised copy can be found here.


MDI is continuing to perform weekly updates about the COVID 19 pandemic to employees.   As a result of the economic slowdown MDI is starting to experience a decrease in orders for plastic products.  Therefore, based on available work, the Grand Rapids production employees have all been put on furlough for at least one week, and possibly two, depending on new incoming orders. 

The Twin Cities facility did have several employees that were exposed to a person confirmed to have COVID 19.  We did follow the return to work criteria and those employees will be required to isolate for 7 days. Read full memo here


Operations continue at all four MDI facilities. Last week, MDI’s 2019 Annual Report was recently and mailed to donors and customers. Thank you for your continued support!


Employee meetings were held at each location on Monday, April 13. MDI will continue to hold employee meetings every Monday, and will frequently provide updated communications.  Read FAQ’s from the meeting here. MDI is continuing to operate its four facilities in Minneapolis, Hibbing, Cohasset and Grand Rapids. 


On Wednesday, April 8 Governor Walz issued Emergency Executive Order 20-33 extending the ‘Stay at Home’ through May 3 for all Minnesotans. MDI is still operating at all four locations. A memo was released regarding employee updates.


To help the State continue to build prevention and treatment capacity for our fight against Covid 19, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz has extended the “Stay at Home” directive to May 4, 2020.

In support of the “Stay at Home” order from Governor Walz and for the health and safety of our Hired Hands employees we will continue to have all Hired Hands employees remain at home until May 4th.  The goal is to continue to keep our most vulnerable citizens safe. Read full memo.

MDI has been deemed an essential business and is continuing to operate its four facilities in Minneapolis, Hibbing, Cohasset and Grand Rapids. 

Employee meetings were held at each location. MDI will continue to hold employee meetings every Monday, and will frequently provide updated communications. Today’s meeting included information about the COVID-19 Recovery Plan and what will be done if an employee has a positive test.  MDI is continuing to operate its four facilities in Minneapolis, Hibbing, Cohasset and Grand Rapids. 

While MDI has been designated an essential supplier, your safety and wellbeing is first and foremost in our minds. Therefore, while many employees continue to work, some employees are staying at home and some have been asked to work from home. Whichever, we are dependent upon each other to remain safe as we are challenged to continue to provide essential goods and services to our customers. Read full memo.

The Families First Coronavirus Act (FFCRA) is effective April 1, 2020. This provides employees with sick leave benefits for COVID-19 related reasons. Get more information about the Families First Cornovirus Act here.

Following Governor Walz “Stay at Home” order last Wednesday, all MDI employees still working were given the option of not working for COVID-19 related reasons.  This was done in small group meetings and written communications.  As of March 31, 114 employees are not working for COVID-19 related reasons. This includes the Hired Hands employees that are referrals from county case managers that have been not working since March 18.  Total employment count currently is 365 of which 31% are not working.  

As an essential provider of services and products. MDI is continuing to operate its four facilities in Minneapolis, Hibbing, Cohasset and Grand Rapids.  MDI will continue to keep our employees and the community health and well-being foremost in our minds and actions. Updates will continue to be posted on this site. Thank you all for your support in this most difficult time.

Minnesota Governor Walz issued Emergency Executive Order 20-20 directing Minnesotans to ‘Stay at Home’ effective midnight on Friday, March 27 through April 10.  The goal of the order is to slow the spread of the COVID 19 virus to prevent our health care system from being overwhelmed with patients needing care.  MDI is in support of Governor Walz’s actions.  That being the case, MDI has been identified as an essential supplier. MDI will continue to operate business at all four facilities. Read full memo.

For the health and safety of our Hired Hands employees, we will continue to have all Hired Hands employees remain at home through April 10th.  As stated by the Governor, the goal is to keep our most vulnerable citizens safe.  Read full memo.

COVID-19 is rapidly changing. To address recent changes, MDI released a communication memo adding additional safety measures and policies. View here. Business is still continuing at all four facilities.

The health and wellbeing of each employee is our priority. MDI Hired Hand’s employees have been asked to stay at home to limit exposure until 3/27/2020.  A printed letter was sent home to employee’s effected. Business is still continuing at all four facilities.

COVID-19 diagnosed cases have increased across the United States, MDI has zero cases. For the health and safety of our employees, MDI released a communication memo noting additional safety procedures and attendance policies. View here. Business is still continuing at all four facilities.

To our valued employees, customers and community members. Rest assured, we are continuing operations at all four of our Minnesota facilities during this Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation. We are following good business practices to keep our employees and customers safe, and to maintain smooth-running operations. Consistent with everyone, we are monitoring the situation daily and will let you know of any changes that could affect our operations. Thank you for your business, and your support.