Nonprofit manufacturer MDI recently installed new doors at all four of its facilities in Minneapolis, Hibbing, Grand Rapids and Cohasset, thanks in large part to private donors. While a seemingly small change, the new doors represent a continued commitment to create an inclusive workplace environment that allows people with disabilities to fully integrate and work beside their colleagues. The new doors are ADA-compliant and slide open on a sensor – an improvement from the previous manual, swinging doors which required assistance to operate for some employees.

“This change has allowed our facilities to exude the positive, collaborative environments that live beyond our front doors every day,” said Peter McDermott, president and CEO of MDI. “From transportation to self-sufficiency at work and home, this is just one more way that we can empower our employees and provide them a space where they can feel pride and purpose as they earn a living for themselves.”

The Cohasset facility upgraded its front doors thanks to local donor Jerry Miner. The Minneapolis location’s doors were paid for by property owner Schafer Richardson, property manager Superior Third Party Logistics, and MDI. The Hibbing and Grand Rapids upgrades were part of new facilities and capital upgrades, respectively.

MDI is a leader in manufacturing custom plastic packaging solutions, production assembly, and environmental services. The organization is committed to improving workforce development by empowering employees through self-sufficiency, with a goal to positively impact 2,500 lives through meaningful employment and services by 2026.