Graco is committed to the communities they serve and has a long history of giving back. In 2018, Graco Foundation awarded MDI a $54,779 grant to purchase equipment that aided in manufacturing efficiencies.

By partnering with non-profits, The Foundation provides real people, like Matt Higgins, MDI Minneapolis Production Employee, the ability to become self-sufficient and more productive. Read more about Matt and how MDI provided him a place of opportunity.

Matt Finds Independence Through MDI
Matt was born with a genetic condition called Leber’s disease which causes vision loss in young adult males. During the peak of his career, he had to learn to live without his vision. To help readjust, Matt came to Minnesota from his home in Delaware to complete a 10-month program provided by the National Federation of the Blind to help him adapt to blindness. After completing the program, Matt decided to stay in Minnesota. He had grown connected to the community and had developed strong friendships. Before his vision loss, he had been working in manufacturing. This made MDI a good fit for Matt to re-enter the workforce. “MDI is accommodating, and everyone helps out,” said Matt. “And … I love Minnesota.” Today, he is confident and independent. He enjoys playing bass guitar in a band called Reven McGee and the Phantom Hands.

Learn more about Graco Foundation here

View the 2018 Graco Foundation Community Report here