June 7, 2017 For Employees, In the Community, News, Products, Supporting the Mission
On Tuesday, MDI, broke ground on a new 35,000-square-foot plant that will replace their existing 100-year-old building in Hibbing. This facility will cost more than $5 million and is as part of a $9 million expansion of its northern ...
June 5, 2017 In the Community, News
MDI’s Gary Flasland and Andy Tracy assisted other community members at the Hibbing Chamber of Commerce Annual Beautification Project. Vans and U-Haul’s full of flowers were hung on light poles along Howard Street and 1st Avenue. Chamber members set the beautiful flowers at the base ...
May 24, 2017 Disability News & Services, In the Community, News, Supporting the Mission
Andy Tracy and Dayle Klebs, MDI employees, attended Hibbing High School Awards Night. Sierrarose Nelson and Tiffani Hauti-Sanders each received $1,000 scholarships on behalf of MDI Success at Work Committee. Congratulations!
May 22, 2017 For Employees, In the Community
The Sound of Music is the story of Maria Augusta von Trapp who said, “Music acts like a magic key, to which the most tightly closed heart opens.” On May 18, MDI employees and community members had the pleasure ...
May 18, 2017 Disability News & Services, In the Community, News, Products, Supporting the Mission
“MDI will break ground on a new plant near Hibbing, Minn., as part of a $9 million expansion of its northern Minnesota operations. The company recently purchased land for the new 35,000-square-foot plant that will replace MDI’s existing 100-year-old ...
May 2, 2017 Disability News & Services, For Employees, In the Community, News, Supporting the Mission
MDI announces that its board of directors has appointed Y. Elaine Rasmussen to its board. Rasmussen is chief executive officer (CEO) of Social Impact Strategies Group and will join MDI’s board effective immediately. Rasmussen brings over 20 years of experience in leading positive change and organizational development. ...
April 13, 2017 Disability News & Services, In the Community, Supporting the Mission
Mobility Mania – Accessibility for All is a group of individuals in the Grand Rapids Area dedicated to identifying and addressing accessibility issues, promoting accessibility awareness, and improving accessibility across Northern MN and beyond. The group is comprised of community members, service providers, government ...
March 22, 2017 Disability News & Services, In the Community, Supporting the Mission
On Saturday, March 18th, over 280 people came “dressed to Impress“, showing off their best costumes in support of Special Olympics Minnesota. The 2017 Polar Plunge was held at Zorbaz on Pokegama Lake and Grand Rapids plungers raised more than $58,000. Marcus ...
March 17, 2017 In the Community
Brian Shapiro and Michael J. Garrison from the Opus College of Business at St. Thomas University visited MDI in Minneapolis to determine if there are ways we may be able to work together. The Opus College mission is to develop effective, principled business leaders who think globally, act ...
March 1, 2017 Disability News & Services, In the Community, News, Products
People with and without disabilities will be gaining additional job opportunities at a new Minnesota Diversified Industries (MDI) manufacturing facility. The IRRR Board Tuesday in St. Paul approved a $1 million loan and $350,000 infrastructure grant to help build ...