During National Disability Employment Awareness Month, we are saluting people who have stepped ahead, above and beyond in the name of equitable opportunity and employment for people with disabilities.

In a time of worker shortages and employment uncertainty, actively attracting and hiring people with disabilities is a way to recruit a dedicated workforce, boost DEI efforts that benefit everyone, and enhance overall business success by adding different perspectives and ways of thinking.

Meet Seth Bowers
MDI location: Cohasset
Hometown: Grand Rapids
Job title: Assembler
Started working at MDI: 2010

When Seth Bowers started at MDI in 2010, he didn’t have a driver’s license. Today, he does.

In 2010, Seth didn’t have a savings account. Today, he does.

In 2010, Seth didn’t have the confidence to get another job outside of MDI. Today, he does.

Reflecting on his 12 years at MDI, employee Seth Bowers says his growth has been night and day.

“Building my confidence over time at MDI helped prepare me to get another job at Home Depot, where I now work as a lawn associate,” said Seth. “MDI has taught me to set goals for myself and accomplish them.”

At Home Depot, Seth flexes a new muscle: customer service skills.

“I was a little shy at first, but now I proactively approach customers to see if they need help instead of waiting for them to ask,” said Seth. “Customers always appreciate it when I do that.”

Last year, Seth accomplished another life milestone: He got his driver’s license, which allows him to drive to work each day. He pays for the car and the insurance and puts half of his earnings into savings. Seth’s MDI employees aren’t surprised about his climb to greater independence. At work, he’s known for his grit and determination.

“Seth accomplishes anything he sets his mind to,” said Diane Meyer, associate director of employment services at MDI. “It has been inspiring to watch him soar; we can’t wait to see what he does next!”

In addition to his great resolve, Seth has a great sense of humor – and MDI is a great place for him to practice his comedic material!

“It’s a lighthearted atmosphere. I like to give people a hard time and joke around; it’s all in good fun. Smiling and laughing makes the day go easier,” said Seth

Read all Ability Pioneer articles here.