People with disabilities are twice as likely to be unemployed as those without a disability.

  • The poverty rate for working-age adults with disabilities is 3X that of individuals without disabilities.
  • Nearly 28% of working-age adults with a disability were living below the poverty line in 2011, double the percentage for other workers.
  • Nearly half of all working-age adults in poverty have a disability.
  • Household income for individuals with a disability is $23,000 less than those without.

Further, an individual with disabilities can be faced with added daily costs and issues of transportation, accessible and affordable housing, and medical issues.
While there are a number of solutions at the policy levels of state and federal government, non-profits and faith-based initiatives the best solution for most is a quality job. MDI provides quality job opportunities for people with disabilities.

MDI is a Social Enterprise. Simply put; MDI’s earned revenue coming from the sales of its products and services is the cause and result of employing individuals with disabilities. We compete against for-profit organizations toe-to-toe while providing our employees with at least minimum wage and benefits. In operations, manufacturing, sales and marketing we are akin to our for-profit competitors, but our “shareholders” are the individuals we employ and the communities we serve. Our mission is their success and their opportunity to be an economic and contributing member of the community. We pour our revenues back into our mission.

Why is MDI successful? People with disabilities can – and want to – work and make great employees. People with disabilities appreciate the employment opportunity, show up for work on time, respect their coworkers and work to their capabilities.

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Information and data in this blog was taken from American Institute for Research, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Center for American Progress