While picking up some lunch, I paged through a People Magazine in the checkout lane and saw Aimee Copeland was being featured. Last year, I had the opportunity to hear her speak at the MSSA Social Service Training Conference, she was a keynote speaker and truly inspirational.

In 2012, Aimee fell onto some rocks from a homemade zip line and gashed her leg which became infected with Necrotizing Fasciitis, a flesh-eating bacteria that had threatened her life and led to both part of her arms and legs being amputated. What stood out to me is how positive Aimee was. She has a very refreshing insight to facing challenges and also still has the courage to dream big! She figured out ways to overcome her challenges and continues to live her life to the fullest. Starting with sharing her story as a motivational speaker, traveling, cooking for her friends and finishing graduate school.

Recently, she finished her second master’s degree in social work and would like to work with people with disabilities by opening a non-profit holistic community center. According to the People Magazine Aimee says, “My self-confidence has never been higher!” Stating she let go of the girl she was before and has embraced who she is.

At MDI, we believe everyone has abilities. Every day, Employment Services and production teams work together to help employees gain new skills and shine. We provide accommodations and additional job coaching to help people reach their full potential.

Read Aimee’s journey