Team from Andersen Windows meets with MDI to learn more about bringing people with disabilities into their workforce.  MDI hosted a visit, tour and conversation with HR professionals from Andersen Windows and Renewal, headquartered in Bayport, Minnesota. They were very interested in MDI’s social enterprise model and learning how MDI supports people with disabilities working at MDI.

Andersen was founded in 1903 and employs 11,000 people in locations across North America. Andersen is a privately held company. MDI management is very excited that companies like Andersen are becoming more interested in employing people with disabilities. People with disabilities can be very productive employees and come to work with a very positive attitude.  MDI is happy to spread the word which is in line with our vision of “meaningful employment for all people with disabilities”.

Pictured left to right: Debi ThompsonKeith Olson, Sherry Gydesen, Julie DuBois, Nicki Leritz, Lucy Smith, Karen Richard, and Jeanne Eglinton